Nitrous acid is a potent mutagen. It causes deamination of cytosine into uracil.
Types of Mutagens-Phycial, Chemical (Base analog-5-bromo uracil) & Biological
Mutations can also be caused chemically, and nitrous acid is one of the most potent chemical mutage…
Mutation and DNA repair mechanism animation
What is MTHFR? – Dr. Berg Explains in Simple Terms
DNA Mutations | Biochemistry
Chemical Mutagens | Induced Mutation | Gene Mutation
Mutagens and Repair
Nitrous acid deamintes cytosine to produce :
Hydroxylating Agent as a Mutagen #basemodifyingagent #inducedmutation #mutagen
DNA mutations and DNA repair
Ch 11 Part 5 Mutations
Mutations II
GENE Mutations
DNA Damage & Repair
BIOL2416 Chapter 13 Gene Mutation and DNA Repair