The Cold War Explained From Beginning to End in One Minute: Causes/Effects, Timeline and Outcome
How Did the Cold War Happen?
Post-War Rebuilding and the Cold War: Crash Course European History #41
What Caused World War Two? in 90 Seconds
Here's How the Truman Doctrine Established the Cold War | History
Why wasn't Japan Split Between the Allies After World War 2 (Short Animated Documentary)
Who decided how Germany would be divided after WW2? (Short Animated Documentary)
World War II (short version)
The ENTIRE History of the Cold War Explained | Best Cold War Documentary
Why Did World War 2 Actually Start?
What happened to Germany after World War 2?
The Cold War Explained In 15 Minutes | Best Cold War Documentary
The Cold War - OverSimplified (Part 1)
Post WWII Reconstruction of the USSR - COLD WAR DOCUMENTARY
Why was Germany Divided After WW2? | Animated History
The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37
Japan and the US Occupation - COLD WAR DOCUMENTARY
The Cold War - Summary on a Map
Post WWII United Kingdom - Cold War DOCUMENTARY
Arab Countries post-World War II - COLD WAR