Understanding Fast-Acting and Long-Acting Insulin: Type 1 Diabetes Education from Phoenix Children's
Should I skip long acting insulin (Lantus, Basaglar, Tresiba, Toujeo) if my blood sugar is low?
Should I skip long acting insulin if blood sugar is low at night (or morning)?
How many units of long acting insulin (Basaglar, Tresiba, Toujeo, Lantus, Levemir) should I take?
Living Without Daytime Insulin | T1D Tales
Quora Question- How long can a Type-2 Diabetes go without Insulin ? | Part 1
Top Type 1 Diabetic INSULIN Mistakes!
How Every Diabetic Can Reverse The Disease From The Root, Heal Comlications, And Get Off Drugs
Long Acting Insulin. What you MUST KNOW! (basal insulin 2022)
Eating NO Carbs and Taking NO Insulin as a Type 1 Diabetic
How do you know if your basal rate/long-acting insulin is set correctly? | Dr. Jody Stanislaw
How 2 Type 1 | Episode 7 | Basal Insulin: The Long-Acting Staple of Type 1 Management
Long Acting Insulin Management
Longer Lives for Type 1 Diabetics Who Strictly Control Blood Sugar
What Happens When a Type 1 Diabetic Doesn't Take Insulin?
Forgot your basal insulin? Diabetes type 1 hack
Long, slow acting (Basal) insulin in Type 1 diabetes
No Insulin for Type 1 Diabetes
Long acting insulin - Lantus, Levemir, Abasaglar, Tresiba & Toujeo
Can I take long acting and short acting insulin at the same time