Do dads really need to take a month off for paternity leave? | Channel 4 News
3 Reasons All Dad Must Take Paternity Leave
Should New Dads Take Paternity Leave? | Dad University
Should dads get more paternity leave?
Paternity Leave - The Surprising Reason Why New Dad's Should Take More - Diligent Dad UK
Doing it for the dads: Paternity leave around the EU • FRANCE 24 English
Why there’s concern few dads will take up the new paid parental leave offer | 9Honey
Dr. Mimi Discusses How to Get Paternity Leave
First Time Dad: Maternity Leave
Here's why new fathers need paternity leave
Why paternity leave benefits everyone | The Way We Work, a TED series
Dads entitled to 10 days parental leave
Growing Number Of Companies Expanding Paternity Leave Options For New Dads | NBC Nightly News
S. Korea to grant new dads 10 days of paid paternity leave starting October
Why shouldn't all dads get some paternity leave?
Should fathers in SA get paternity leave?
What Is The Paternity Leave Qualifying Week
15% of Americans say Fathers should NOT receive paid paternity leave
Josh Levs: Why Maternity and Paternity Leave Are Important for Families and Businesses
How much time can I take off for paternity or maternity leave?