It takes about 750 hours to learn French or Spanish, we can do it 2-3x faster in #virtualreality
Can You Learn 2 Languages at Once? | Italian, Spanish, French
Learning Spanish and French - How I Went About It
Is it HARD to learn Spanish in Spain?
How I would learn Spanish (if I could start over)
Want to Speak English FLUENTLY? I Tried 5 Popular Methods to Find Out Which is Best!
French vs. Spanish - Which Is Easier To Learn?
How to Learn a Language Faster
How To Start THINKING in Spanish (and STOP TRANSLATING in Your Head)!
French vs Spanish. Which language should you learn?
How I Became Fluent In Spanish NOT In 30 Days
How Much Spanish Do The French Understand? | Easy French 141
How I Got Fluent In French In 30 Days (Full 8-Hour Daily Routine)
The EASIEST way to learn and SPEAK SPANISH
A Linguist explains how to make duolingo actually work
learning a new language is easy, actually
How I learned Spanish in less than a year FAST (self taught)
how to learn a new language on your own! (a guide) ⭑