Major Scales using Tones & Semitones (whole-steps & half-steps)
What are Semitones and Tones?
Music Success ||Major scale, Tone and Semi-tones, Key-Signature
Music Theory Lesson Tones and Semitones
Basic Theory Exam #2 Diatonic, Chromatic Semitones, Whole Tones
Cracking the Code of Major Scales: Whole & Half Steps
Major tones and semitones
Tones & Semitones | Music Theory Guitar Lesson
Major scales: Everything you need to know in 7 minutes
The Structure of a Major Scale, Tones and Semitones
Semitones and Tones easily explained and demonstrated
Tones and Semitones
Music Theory - 15 - Why do we need Semitones and Tones?
04 Grade 1 Music Theory - Semitones, Tones and Major Scales
Major Scale Tone Semitone Pattern
Understanding Tones and Semitones in Music - 3
Major Scale Tones and Semitones
Tone & Semitone - Music theory made simple - in minutes!
Semitone and Tone | Theory of Music Part 2 [Episode 4]
Marking Tones and Semitones in Major and Minor Scales