Humane Ohio offering low-cost spay, neutering for pets | Your Day
PetFix Northeast Ohio, Affordable Spay & Neuter Clinic
Low-cost spay and neutering services now available for animals long on the waitlist
Save Ohio Pets hold free spay and neuter clinic in Franklin County; register for future monthly clin
National Spay/Neuter Month
Non-profit does low cost spay and neutering of dogs and cats
Humane Association of Warren County to host event to neuter, spay 500 pets in 5 days
Spay and Neuter Cats and Dogs for Only $1
Humane Society to offer low cost spay and neutering
Humane Ohio offers spay/neuter discounts with Fix-a-Bull promotion
Affordable spay and neuter clinic
PetFix in Euclid helps pet owners while controlling pet population with low-cost spaying, neutering
Low-Cost / Hi-Tech Spay & Neuter Clinic | Father John's Animal House
PetFix marks 100,000 spay and neuter surgeries: Ready Pet Go!
Allen County Dog Warden teaming up with City of Lima for spay-neuter voucher program
Spay & Neuter Program for Low-Income Pet Owners Seeks Help
When to spay and neuter your pets
Humane Ohio hosting spay and neuter clinic | Your Day
#shorts Must be Ohio but I will find you a low cost spay and neuter cl
Poi Dogs and Popoki assumes city’s spay and neuter contract