How To Surrender A Dog To The Humane Society? -
Can You Return A Dog To The Humane Society? -
Humane Society caring for 33 small dogs surrendered by owner
Fort Worth Animal Shelter is overcrowded, owners surrender pets saying they can't afford it
Where To Surrender Dogs Near Me? -
Southwest Florida animal shelters near full capacity with surrendered pets
More owners surrendering pets at shelter, blaming economy
Will The Humane Society Take My Dog? -
Gulf Coast Humane Society talks pet owner resources on Domingo Live
Shelters Seeing A Growing Number Of People Surrendering Pets
Animal shelters see more and more pet surrenders due to rising costs
Some pets surrendered to shelters because of housing and affordability issues
Hawaii shelters at or near capacity as more people are surrendering pets
Oh no! Inflation causing owners to surrender pets
Animal rescues struggle as pet surrenders increase due to rising costs
Abandoning animals is illegal in Texas: know the safe options for surrendering a pet
Animal shelters overloaded with surrendered pets
Animal Intake and Surrender: Arizona Humane Society
More animals are being surrendered by their owners
Can I Surrender My Pet to an Animal Shelter in NYC? -