Row/Column/Cell Alignment in Power BI table/matrix
Massively Improve Your Power BI Tables with This Simple Trick
Make your tables look AMAZINGLY beautiful with these two tricks in Power BI
Power BI - Matrix Visualization - move values from columns to rows
Table Header Vertical Alignment in Power BI
Power BI Tricks Specific Matrix Columns Width
Power BI - Column headers of a table - Minor changes to the design can help the user
#23 Align and group visualizations | Power BI
Improve the Look and Feel of Tables and Matrix in Power BI
Power BI - Custom Sorting in 3 Easy Steps!
Alignment Power BI
Make your Power BI Visual POP with this column header trick
Automatically Set Equal Column Width in a Matrix Visual for Power BI
Two Ways to Automatically Set Equal Column Width in Power BI Matrix Visuals
Format Totals for table visual Power BI
How to Hide the Header in a Power BI Table to Align Percentages Correctly
Justify ⏹text in Power BI or align it left ⬅, right ➡ and centered using HTML
Create a table from values in Power Query #11: (M)agic (M)ondays
Maneuvering Total's Row in Table or Matrix in Power BI
Using Tabs to Integrate Tools Like Excel or Power BI