What are Semitones and Tones?
Semitones and Tones easily explained and demonstrated
How to count semitones
Music Theory Lesson Tones and Semitones
Major Scales using Tones & Semitones (whole-steps & half-steps)
Cracking the Code of Major Scales: Whole & Half Steps
54 Counting semitones
Count Intervals versus Semitones
What is a half step and whole step on the piano? (Semitones and tones)
Tones and Semitones
Unit 02. Semitone(half tone) Interval Calculation / Easy Music Theory(Free Lesson)
Intervals 2 (counting semitones)
Intervals Basics: 2) Counting the Semitones
Intervals in Semitones versus Traditional Interval Names
The Semitones
Major scales: Everything you need to know in 7 minutes
Keyboard settings #musictheorymadeeasyonline#
Counting Semi Tones Between Notes In The C Major Scale
Music Theory 10: Tones & Semitones on the Staff
Semitones and Tones