How Do Linux Kernel Drivers Work? - Learning Resource
Linux Device Drivers Development Course for Beginners
GNU/Linux & USB - Write a Hello World Linux USB driver (Linux Kernel Module)
Making Simple Linux Kernel Module in C
Linux PCI Driver Tutorial - Part 1: Hello World PCI(e) Driver
Watch Linux kernel developer write a USB driver from scratch in just 3h for Apple Xserve front-panel
Raspberry Pi Kernel Development | Writing a Raspberry Pi ARM GPIO Driver in C | Embedded Concepts
New Linux User - Installing Drivers
The trials and tribulations of moving from Windows to Linux
Installing Printers in Linux | CUPS, Printing, and Scanning
Hardware and Drivers in Linux
Linux device driver lecture 14 : Intree Building
Linux Kernel Programming: Driver Modification Tutorial
Understanding the Structure of a Linux Kernel Device Driver
Linux Drivers Explained
Screwing Up Linux Kernel Keyboard Driver
Device Tree: hardware description for everybody !
Linux device driver lecture 13 : Makefile
Linux ODBC Driver Setup
BoF: Early Platform Drivers in Linux Kernel - Bartosz Golaszewski, BayLibre