Does STI Testing Hurt? #AskAMAZE
PHO Rounds: STI/HIV Self-Testing in Ontario: The GetaKit Study
I Get STI Tested + My Tips! | What's My Body Doing
Test your STI knowledge!
PHO Rounds: Syphilis in Ontario: A clinical and surveillance update
Sexual Health: STIs, testing and treatments, relationships, and healthy sex drive
PHO Rounds: GetaKit: An online HIV and STI testing service
The GetaKit Project At-Home HIV Self-Testing & STI Expansion in Ontario
#safersexsunday STI TESTING
HIV pill now covered by Ontario healthcare
Dr. Carlen's doin' it! Are you?
HIV testing services
Know Your Status: A Guide to Taking an HIV Test
STI Check Online - Ontario's first and only OHIP covered online STI service
STBBI Testing & Prevention Tools
Dr. Brendan Maxwell: STI Update
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
STI from Oral Sex? | What's My Body Doing
PHO Rounds: The 2023 Ontario HIV Testing Guidelines