Extract Weekend Dates for Any Month in Excel (Clever Formula)
Highlight Weekends Dates and Holidays in Excel (Easy Method)
How to Use the WEEKDAY Function in Excel | Get the Weekday Name from a Date in Excel
Excel: How to Show the Day of the Week for a Date - Weekday Function
How to AutoFill WEEKDAYS in Excel #shorts
Highlight Weekends Dates and Bank Holidays in Excel - Formula & Conditional Formatting
Determine if a date is on a Weekday or Weekend in Excel
Format Dates & Numbers with TEXT Function | Day 15
Excel WORKDAY Function Trick to List Dates that Most People Don't Know
How to Calculate Working Days in Excel & Exclude ANY Days you WANT (weekends too)
AutoFill Only Weekdays in Excel (2 Quick Ways)
Excel Workday function: Find end date - exclude weekends & holidays
AutoFill Dates in Excel - Days, Weekdays, Months & Years
Extracting Start and End of Week Dates in Excel or Power BI
Excel Conditional Formatting with Dates using AND and TODAY Functions
Autofill Weekdays in Excel
Excel Date Mastery: Fill Monday Weds Fri Dates - Episode 2256
Highlight Weekdays and Weekends Using Conditional Formatting in Excel
Excel how to change date format in In easy way #Excel #Formulas ✅ (Shortcut # 35 )
Excel Formula to List First Monday in each Month