Windows Devops - Install Windows Packages with the Chocolatey GUI
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - AllowNonAdminAccessToSettings
Chocolatey is The Package Manager For Windows
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - PreventAutomatedOutdatedPackagesCheck
Install Chocolatey on Windows
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - ShowConsoleOutput
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - PreventAllPackageIconDownloads
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - ShowAggregatedSourceView
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - UseKeyboardBindings
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - PreventPreload
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - HideAllRemoteChocolateySources
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - HidePackageDownloadCount
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - ShowAdditionalPackageInformation
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - DefaultToDarkMode
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - DefaultToTileViewForLocalSource
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - ExcludeInstalledPackages
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Features - UseDelayedSearch
Choco Installing. Chocolatey, and ChocolateyGUI. Package manager for Windows
Chocolatey GUI - Setup - Configuration - Settings - OutdatedPackagesCacheDurationInMinutes
Packege manager for Windows: Chocolatey, Chocolatey GUI; REVIEW & INSTALL