Yes, you CAN convert your handwriting to text in Notability 💙
How to convert handwriting to text on Notability ✍️💙
Turn your handwriting into a font with the iPad
how to make your own font + import into goodnotes ⌨️
Notability 2022 Tutorial - CONVERT handwriting to TEXT with the LASSO TOOL and TEXT BOX - Beginner
How To Import Fonts into Notability! 📝 #ipad #notability
ipad study with me + free handwriting font 💫 | notability + pdfelement pro
How I write NEATLY on iPad + make my own handwriting FONT
Create your own iOS Font with Fonts+ App
iPad handwriting to text 🤯 Apple pencil | digital planning
neat iPad handwriting ✍️ goodnotes tip | digital planner
Master Notability: 10 Hacks for Ultimate Productivity!
Here’s an in-depth tutorial on how to make shortcuts using our new Customizable Toolbar!! 🎨
You don’t like your handwriting so you cheat 🤭🤫 #applepencil #ipadtips #goodnotes #ipad #applepen
How To Turn Your Handwriting into a Font! *EASY* Tutorial
My favorite Notability features ✏️
Convert handwriting to text on iPad / Goodnotes #goodnotes #ipad #digitalplanning