How to say “before doing (something)” in Japanese: Dictionary Form verb + -MAE NI, Grammar 86
Make a suggestion to do something together in Japanese!
AU - JLPT N3 N4 N5 (GRAMMAR) | " Do something together " IN Japanese language
How to say "I do something" in Japanese
Level 1 Japanese - Week 13 - Asking How to Say Something in Japanese
JLPT N3 Grammar - ついでに (tsuide ni): Describe doing something while doing something else in Japanese
#21 Learn Japanese - go/come/return (to do) something - Verb stems + ni ~にいきます、~にきます、~にかえります
JLPT N5 Grammar: ほしい (hoshii) : to want something in Japanese
JLPT N5 Grammer ~のがすきです。(like doing something)
JLPT N5 Grammer ~たいです。(want to do something)
# 125 Learn Japanese - ~とか “Such as..., Like..., Something like that...”、~とか言います、~とかなんとか言います
KIRU - JLPT N3 N4 N5 (GRAMMAR) | " To do something completely to the end " IN Japanese language
#85 Japanese shadowing | Talk about the experience of doing something ~ことがある #japanesepodcast
#2-4 Japanese shadowing | Try doing something... Verb て-form + みる #japanesepodcast
How to Ask for something & Explain Directions in Japanese, Part 1, Vocabulary, Grammar124
How to use the 出す (dasu) suffix to say that something SUDDENLY started happening in Japanese
#2-18 Japanese shadowing | "てform + あげる" Do something for someone as a favor #japanesepodcast
Beginning Japanese Phrases 131: ~てもらう get someone to do something; to receive; to take; to accept
Beginning Japanese Phrases 105: お~ください please (do something) [polite]
「Learn Japanese」 How-to ask/allow/deny permission to do something (て-Form VERB + もいいですか)