# 199 Learn Japanese【というよりも】rather than; would say it is more like - N3 Grammar -
TOIUYORI - JLPT N3 N4 N5 (GRAMMAR) | " Rather than.. " IN Japanese language
How to say, " I'd rather not." in Japanese !!!
MUSHIRO - JLPT N3 N4 N5 (GRAMMAR) | " Rather, Instead, Better " IN Japanese language
# 246 Learn Japanese【というか~というか】or rather; or perhaps I should say; I mean - N2 Grammar -
~かえって (rather, on the contrary) - Japanese Grammar JLPT N3.23 #short #langtwt
Would you rather take the Shinkansen or the airplane? #studyjapanese #japanese 
「I'd rather 〜」の表現をマスターするための日常で使えるフレーズ10選【ほぼ英語で学ぶかんたんパターン表現】(日本語・英語字幕〜ON/OFF可)
Describe a lot of different feelings rather than just saying "good/bad" in Japanese
どちらかといえば私が好む: 英語の語彙レッスン
"Would you rather" questions! (J4M167)
How to Say Would Rather in Chinese Word 宁肯
それより...それより - HITOKOTO #9
pretty, quite, rather,「かなり」の違い(YouTube英会話@クリエーションin小樽)
今週の英会話フレーズ: I’d rather master Kung Fu. むしろ私はカンフーを習得したいなぁ。
How to Say Would Rather in Chinese Word 宁愿
[VR180] I'd rather you not~「~しないでいただきたいのですが」#015
Japanese Slang Explanation: 暗黒微笑
どちらかといえばどちらかと言えば良い + italki レッスン |ナチュラルイングリッシュに行く