How to say enjoy your meal in french
How to say have a good weekend in French
Life Update - Revealing our next BIG RENOVATION PROJECT at the Chateau.
Don't say this to a French person… ǀ Justine Leconte
Say it in French I It's not me avi
Say it in French I That's all I know avi
Say it in French I It doesn't matter avi
Say it in French I It is good to see you avi
Learn French with Vincent # How to say what you want in French ?
FRENCH EXPRESSIONS OF QUANTITY Say how much of what you want to buy or use in FRENCH!
How to say cute in French
How to say hello in French
Say it in French I It's the same for me avi
Say it in French I It is just like we want avi
Say it in French I How was your trip avi
Say it in French I She is writing an email avi
Say it in French I She is my wife avi
Say it in French I How's your boss doing avi
Say it in French I She is my cousin avi