How to use REPUGNANT in a sentence
Word of the Day - REPUGNANT. What does REPUGNANT mean?
repugnant - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases
How to pronounce REPUGNANT + Meaning + Sentence - Ms Nosebleed
Daily vocabulary | Repugnant Meaning | Vocabgram
🔵 Repugnant - Repugnant Meaning - Repugnant Examples - GRE 3500 Vocabulary
Understanding "It's Repugnant": A Guide to English Phrases
Repugnant meaning in Urdu | Repugnant with sentence example | How to pronounce Repugnant
REPUGNANT - Meaning and Pronunciation
Repugnant — what is REPUGNANT definition
What is the meaning of Repugnant?
GRE Vocabulary with example sentences No :194 - Repugnant
Meaning of the term Repugnant | Adv Melisa Rodrigues
Repugnant | meaning of Repugnant
Repugnant meaning in Hindi // Explained Repugnant With Using Sentence
Reach Out Vocabulary Word of the Week - REPUGNANT (With Chinese subtitles!)
A Word A Day 4U | repugnant: 04/29/14
What does repugnant mean
GRE Vocab Word of the Day: Odious | GRE Vocabulary
Word of the Day: May 28 - REPUGNANT