How to say "Pay" in Spanish
スペイン語で請求書を支払う (路上のグリンゴ、エピソード #3)
【pay through the nose 意外な意味は?】
How much rent do you pay in Barcelona? | Easy Spanish 196
How Do You Say To Pay In Spanish
DON'T Study Spanish Verbs (Try This Instead)
payの意味は「払う」だけじゃない? #shorts #英語 #英語学習 #勉強法 #受験英語 #高校英語 #教えてにっしー
Spanish for "I Want to Pay"
Spanish Where Do I Pay?
How to say "I'll pay." in Spanish
#sentence + #question to #practice the #verb #pagar #pay #payer in #spanish
Learning Spanish: Pagar (To Pay), Types of Currencies & Payment Methods [English & Spanish]
I #dare you to #respond this #question in #spanish #verb #pagar #pay #payer
When someone doesn't want to pay the bill... in Spanish! | Mandarina Spanish
#personalquestions in #spanish using the #verb #pagar #pay #payer
This is why you should always pay your debts. #learnspanish #shorts #spanish
3 Ways To Say "Pay Attention" In Spanish