If |A×B|=A.B,then angle between A and B is
If A×B=B×A then the angle between A and B is
If |A-B|=|A|=|B|,the angle between A and B is-_-If magnitude of difference of vectors is equal to
If |A+B|=|A-B|,then angle between A and B is
If |a+b|=|a-b| then angle between a and b is? Jee Mains test series vector algebra
if |a|=√3,|b|=2 and angle between a and b is 60º a.b|Vector algebra|class 12|CBSE|BOARD|NCERT|Term 2
If |A-B|=|A|+|B| then the angle between A and B is
If |a×b|=|a.b| then the angle between a and b is ... | cbse class 12 maths solutions | vectors
3rd Theorem in Pair of Straight Lines! 🎯 | Angle Between Two Lines | Class 11 Maths #maths
if | a+b|=|a-b| then prove angle between vectors a and b is 90
For what angle between A and B, `|A+B| = | A-B` .
If P=A-B and P=A+B.The angle between vector A and vector B is
If |A+B| = |A| + |B|, then angle between A and B will be (a) 90 (b) 120 (c) 0 (d) 60
If `A.B=AxxB`, then angle between `A` and `B` is
If the angle between the vector A and B is 0 , the value of the product (B×A) ·(A) is equal to: a...
What is the angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(B)`, If `vec(A)` and `vec(B)` are the adjacent sides of
If `(|a+b|)/(|a-b|)=1`, then the angle between `a` and `b` is
How to find the Angle between Vectors
If the angle between unit vectors veca and vecb is 60^(@) . Then find the value of |veca -vecb|....