Root's death (S05E10 Person of Interest)
Person of Interest S05E10 | Root's death :'(
Person of Interest - Root and Shaw finally reunited (05x09)
Person of Interest - Root kills Martine (04x21)
Person of Interest - Shaw avenges Root (05x13)
Person of Interest - 5x13 - Root's Message to Shaw
Person of Interest 1x23 You can call me Root
Person of Interest - 5x13 - Shaw Figures Out Jeffrey Killed Root
Person of Interest - Root's real name (05x11)
Person of Interest - John's sacrifice (05x13)
Person of Interest - season 5 (5x13 Finale) Ending
Person of Interest - The ultimate dialogue (05x12)
Person of Interest - The Machine vs Samaritan (05x13)
Person of Interest - 5x13 - Shaw At Root's Grave
Person of Interest 5x12 Root's Return
Person of Interest - Root in the psychiatric ward
God Mode (Person of Interest)(2 x 22)
Person of Interest - 05x13 Ending [CC] [HD]
Person of Interest 3x17 Root path : Root cares
Person of Interest 3χ01 Root and the Truth