You can pip install directly from GitHub
How to Publish a Python Package to PyPI (pip)
How to Build a Complete Python Package Step-by-Step
PIP Install Local Package - PIP Install Wheel - PIP Install Packages Offline - Don't Miss the Desc
Installing python packages manually without pip command
Install python packages offline without internet
pip install git local repo
Publish Your Own Python Package
Inside OpenCoder: The Data and Cookbook
Python Session -6 How to create local pip repo | local PyPi Server
pip install from local repo
install python package from git
How to install a Python pip Package from github (https & ssh)
Importing Your Own Python Modules Properly
Python pip install from local cache
Build a Python Module and Share it with Pip Install
PYTHON : how to create local own pypi repository index without mirror?
Local copy of PyPI fro Python
install git repo as python package
5 Tips To Organize Python Code