Country Codes, Phone Codes, Dialing Codes, Telephone Codes, ISO Country Codes
639 はどの国番号ですか?
Calling Code From Different Countries | All Country | calling code from different countries
Don’t answer calls from these 5 area codes
306it - Free Saskatchewan Area Code Updater for iPhone
Hold the phone: Why Saskatchewan needs a third area code
936 市外局番 - 私の国の携帯電話
ISO 639-3 Codes in Endnote
*警告* 777 Hz (非常に強力)、巨額のお金を非常に速く引き付けます
ISO 639-2
Nikola Tesla 369 コード音楽、432Hz チューニング、古代周波数ヒーリング音楽。
Daily interesting iOS Feature #11 (How To Call Someone Without Showing Your Number)
ISO 639-1
市外局番 218 - 私の国の携帯電話
ISO 639 macrolanguage | Wikipedia audio article
Area codes 514 and 438
US Diesel and Fab Columbus,OH 614-639-6399
639: Mina Duque: Starting an Interior Design Firm in a Foreign Melting Pot