Iowa DOT keeps tabs on road conditions during winter storm
How Iowa DOT determines road conditions
How the Iowa DOT determines road conditions
Local 5 takes a look at Thursday night road conditions inside DOT snow plow
Iowa DOT preparing roads before ice storm hits
Media Response Winter Weather Webinar - Iowa DOT
511 How-To: Winter road condition report details
Iowa State Patrol responded to 800 calls Thursday amid 'treacherous road conditions'
Iowa DOT Traffic Management Center preparing for blizzard
Iowa DOT, Des Moines Public Works busy clearing roads following Tuesday snow
Road conditions in central Iowa
Iowa DOT snowplows prep for Tuesday's winter storm
Road conditions in Iowa
Iowa Department of Transportation works to get road conditions back to near normal
Iowa DOT Traffic Management Center team works around the clock to combat winter weather
Local 5 hits the road to check out driving conditions Thursday morning
Iowa DOT, drivers prepare for first snowfall
New cameras inside snowplows show road conditions
GMI continues to show icy road conditions this morning
6:30am Storm Chaser 8 looks at road conditions