ashamed (adjective)
Ashamed/ adjective. Apenado/ avergonzado.
Ashamed Vs. Shameful - What is the difference?
What is the meaning of the word ASHAMED?
15 English personality adjectives| How to ask and talk about someone's personality?
Verbs and Adjectives + in / on / of
What does ashamed mean?
Ashamed | Meaning of ashamed 📖 📖 📖
Common English Collocations with HIGHLY, DEEPLY and UTTERLY
Ashamed (adjective) Word of the Day for March 14th
Adjectives with Prepositions | Common Adjective Preposition | Adjective and Preposition
embarrassed (adjective)
What a great adjective to know!
LEARN 400 adjectives and synonyms & PRONOUNCE in 40 minutes
Have You Gotten Used to Living Here? - Adjectives with Prepositions
A great adjective to know!
【高校英語 ざっくり!文法概要編】第55回 動名詞の完了形 #英文法 #動名詞 #完了形
Adjectives in English grammar | Position in a sentence