Georgia lawmakers want to make Election Day a state holiday
Why isn't Election Day a holiday?
Election Day is a state holiday, but some Hampton Roads cities aren't on board
Election Day: Georgia voters head to the polls
No, Election Day is not a federal holiday
Push to give Bibb County employees a paid holiday for elections
Atlanta city council wants to make Election Day official holiday for city employees
Should Election Day be a federal holiday?
Georgia court upholds early voting for Senate runoff election
Atlanta news for Tuesday, Nov. 8 | Georgia Midterm Election Day 2022
Day after Georgia certifies election results multiple rallies held in Atlanta
Student’s viral tweet turns Election Day into holiday
Who is voting early in Georgia? | Demographics
Four days left in early voting for Georgia Senate races
Georgia Election Day
Georgia begins recount | Here's the latest on the political scene in Georgia
Georgia counties begin process for recount
Election 2020 | With one day to go, candidates make final push; Georgia could turn Blue
Why isn't Election Day a national holiday in the U.S?
Long lines on first day of early voting in Georgia: 11Alive News Primetime