IPython Notebooks: Not Just for Data NERDs
IPython as an advanced calculator with programming capabilities
Miki Tebeka - IPython: The Productivity Booster
Why I stopped using Jupyter Notebooks
Min Ragan-Kelley - IPython: What's new, what's cool, and what's coming
Interactive computing with IPython
PyTrilinos & IPython Notebook
Jupyter Notebook(IPython) vs Python shell?
IPython Notebook in Data Intensive Communities: Accelerating the process of Discovery - PyCon 2016
IPython Protocol, Kernals and new features | EuroSciPy 2014 | T Kluyver, M Bussionnier
Organizing your Jupyter notebooks (preparation for e-Learning)
Using IPython Notebook with IPython Cluster; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Wait, IPython Can Do That? – PyCon Taiwan 2019
ipython 0.13 exporting and editing notebooks and using history a bit
IPython and Jupyter in Depth: High productivity, interactive Python - PyCon 2019
Jupyter and ipython workflow
Python Lab: Introducing iPython
IPython and Jupyter in Depth: High productivity, interactive Python - PyCon 2017
Read use and safe Excel files with Python
Dan Does Data: IPython Notebooks with SageMathCloud