アッラーに誓ったときに嘘をついたことに対する償いはあるのでしょうか? - シェイク・アシム・アル・ハキーム
「ワラヒ」と言い、アッラーの御名で誓う - アシム・アル・ハキーム
アッラー・シルク以外の悪口ですか? - アシム・アル・ハキーム
Is It Haram To Swear In Islam?
Is it permissible to swear by the Quran, the Kabah & Prophet ﷺ? - Assim al hakeem
イスラム教における悪口(呪いの言葉)と冒涜的な言葉の使用の深刻さ - アシム・アル・ハキーム
Swearing on the Quran & Lying She held Quran in her hand & lied to protect her honor Assim al hakeem
Question and Answer 21 10 24 EPS940 Seg01
When People Swear at You "@!x!*#"... - Mufti Menk
Signs Allah Is upset with you. #islam #shorts
Expiation of breaking an oath - Assim al hakeem
The Effect of Cursing Someone - Mufti Menk
Some people say listening to music is not Haram unless you're enjoying it, is it true Assim al hakee
Is it kufr to laugh at a joke? (Are you a Qari for lowering the gaze etc) - assim al hakeem
Are these words really BAD? | Arabic101
If someone is asking me about my past sins, should I lie or expose my sins? - Assim al hakeem
Is it permissible for a muslim to use offensive words? - assim al hakeem
Muslims Must Stop Insulting Israel