The Government Nuked North Carolina…Twice
The Time the US Accidentally Nuked North Carolina
Atomic bomb missing in ENC for 62 years, still buried underneath farmland
Nuclear bombs nearly destroyed North Carolina
There's a Nuclear Weapon Buried Somewhere And We Can't Find It
The Goldsboro B-52 Incident | A Short Documentary | Fascinating Horror
Visiting the Site of the North Carolina Nuclear Bomb Accident
How two nuclear bombs accidentally fell on a US farm – BBC REEL
Nuclear Bomb Accident near Goldsboro, NC
How the US Almost Nuked North Carolina in 1961 (And Why One Bomb Is Still There)
How A Nuclear Bomb Nearly Detonated Over N.C. In 1961
Russia's Top Nuke Targets
North Carolina's Nuclear Incident | The Strange Truth
Live Nuke Still Missing In American Swamp
Nuclear Apocalypse: The 1961 Goldsboro Near Disaster
How the US Lost 6 Nuclear Weapons!
How the U.S. Almost Nuked North Carolina (and Spain and Greenland) | Nuclear Proliferation Explained
The Nuclear Bomb That Almost Changed North Carolina Forever!
How the US almost NUKED North Carolina ( MOST INSANE Nuclear Weapon Mishaps )