Mississippi teacher shortage continues ahead of 2022-23 school year
There is a teacher shortage in Pennsylvania
Alabama seeing shortage in elementary education teachers
Texas governor’s taskforce takes on teacher shortage crisis in new report
Teacher shortage crisis ahead of new school year
New study shows Arizona in severe teacher shortage
Losing Educators: Sacramento Substitute Describes His Role Amid Teacher Shortage
'Critical' teacher shortage in Port Angeles
Shortage of special education teachers
Massive teacher shortage in NC could be hurting most vulnerable of students
What’s driving a special education teacher shortage and how schools are responding
Hartford Public Schools address teacher shortage
Shortage of substitutes teachers in Durham makes job stressful, teacher says
Lodi schools feel strain of teacher shortage impacts
Alabama addressing teacher shortage - NBC 15 WPMI
Illinois faces 'huge shortage' of teachers, other professionals ahead of the school year
Fulton County Schools work to address shortage in special education teachers
Inside California Education: Teacher Shortage Preview
DOE Report: FL teacher shortage finds many instructors are teaching classes they aren't certified in
Learning about the teaching shortage