Is Walmart getting rid of plastic bags?
Walmart Bag Fee Nonsense and why it's pending at checkout? How not to pay it for delivery/pickup?
VERIFY: Why is Walmart selling plastic bags if they are banned in Oregon?
Stores mandated to charge 15-cents per plastic, paper bag
Potential fees for shoppers who use plastic grocery bags
New year, new fee for plastic bags
VIDEO: Plastic bag fee to go into effect next week
Walmart Grocery Haul - Advents - 12 Foot Santa - Gorl World Craziness- Vlog
Walmart says adios to plastic, but only plastic bags
Wal-Mart Dollar Gen Haul Is WalMart Charging for plastic bags???
Walmart eliminates plastic, paper bags in Colorado
Walmart testing grocery pickup without plastic bags at Auburn store
VERIFY: Walmart is not going to stop using plastic bags at all U.S. stores on July 1
Paying for plastic bags?
Reusable Bag Program Tried At Walmarts
Denver Moves Closer To Charging Fee For Plastic Grocery Bags
Walmart eliminates plastic bags in Canada
Plastic bag fee takes effect in Colorado
Plastic bag ban leaves some shoppers overwhelmed with reusable bags