Grace and Getting Along - James 4:1-6
James 4 • Submit yourselves therefore to God
James 4
Verse by Verse Teaching | James 4:1-7 | Gary Hamrick
Humility and Getting Along - James 4:7-17
James Chapter 4 Summary and What God Wants From Us
The Peace-Stealers - James 4:1-7 - Skip Heitzig
Living Out Loud: Book of James, Chapter 4 Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.
Brandon Jennings Annihilates Gilbert Arenas Moronic Twerking For LeBron James
Verse by Verse Teaching | James 4:13-17, 5:1-6 | Gary Hamrick
James 4 Explained
Conflict It's Cause And Cure | James 4:1-10 | Pastor John Miller
Resist the Devil!! - James 4 Bible Study
Verse by Verse Teaching | James 4:8-16 | Gary Hamrick
Book of James Summary: A Complete Animated Overview
59 James 4-5 - J Vernon Mcgee - Thru the Bible
5 Signs of a Thriving Spiritual Life | James 4:1-10
James: The Brother of Our Lord (Selected Scriptures)
James 4:1-10 sermon by Dr. Bob Utley