ヨハネ 21 |イエス・キリストはペテロに「私の羊を養ってください」と懇願する |聖書
Do You Love Me? | The Life of Jesus | #48
ピーター、あなたは私を愛していますか? (ヨハネ 21:15–25)
If you love Me, feed My sheep (disciples forever)
Why Did Jesus Tell Peter THREE Times To Feed His Sheep?
JR Holland Apr 2012 153 Fish John 21 Peter Do You Love Me 3x Then Feed My Sheep
Jesus to Simon Peter - If You Love Me Then Feed My Sheep
What kind of love does the risen Jesus ask of Peter (and of all of us)?
Lesson 1 God's Love
Peter do you love me Feed my sheep
Life of Jesus (Gospel of John), (English), Do you love me?
Why did Jesus Christ ask Simon Peter three times “Do you love me?”
Jesus Forgives Peter
Feed My Sheep - RC Sproul
The Gospel of John Series - Feed My Sheep - John 21
John 21 - Feed my sheep and my lambs
John 21:15 - 25: Jesus Reinstates Peter | Bible Stories
Greg Vasquez - Inspiring Moments: Simon..do you love me? Feed my sheep.