Jupyter Notebook Exposures - A Code Execution Playground Turned Potential Threat
Jupyter Notebook Ransomware Attack - CyberSecurity Threat Alert
A Drop of Jupyter: A Modular Approach to Penetration Testing
Pete Bryan - Scaling Jupyter Notebooks for global scale security analysis | JupyterCon 2020
Hunting Ransomware- Jupyter Notebook, Sysmon, Windows Security Log
Jupyter Notebooks for Cybersecurity Analysis
Scaling Incident Response using Jira, Jupyter and GSuite
Trusted CI webinar: Jupyter Security at LLNL with Thomas Mendoza
SDSC Webinar: Running Jupyter Notebooks on Expanse
Memory Forensics with Jupyter Notebooks #DFIR
Jupyter Notebooks and Pre-recorded Datasets for Threat Hunting - SANS THIR Summit 2019
MSTICPy 2.0: What’s New in Microsoft’s Jupyter and Python Security Toolset
All About Jupyter Notebooks and Hunting in Microsoft Sentinel
Caching for Jupyter Notebooks — Lauris Jullien
I don't like notebooks.- Joel Grus (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)
Visualize User and App Access Connections in Azure using Jupyter Notebooks in Microsoft Sentinel
CTI Operational Procedures With Jupyter Notebooks And MISP by Koen Van Impe
Threat Hunting Course with Jupyter, All Prerequisites covered, Part 1
Setting up Python & Jupyter Notebook - Episode 9 in Value Investing Security Analysis
Trusted CI Webinar: JSON Web Tokens for Science: Hands-on Jupyter Notebook Tutorial