Apache Kafka 101: Partitioning (2023)
Kafka Topics, Partitions and Offsets Explained
Kafka Consumer and Consumer Groups Explained
Topics, Partitions and Offsets: Apache Kafka Tutorial #2
Apache Kafka 101: Consumers (2023)
What is a Kafka Consumer and How does it work?
Apache Kafka® Consumers and Consumer Group Protocol
Consumer vs Consumer group | Apache Kafka Tutorial
Apache Kafka in 6 minutes
Kafka Pro Tips | Mastering Message Routing with Specific Partitions | @Javatechie
Introduction to Consumer Group IDs | Apache Kafka® Explained
Apache Kafka Architecture
Kafka Partitions Explained | Apache Kafka® On The Go
Kafka Consumer Group Tutorial: Managing 2 Partitions with 2 Consumers in Java | Java Kafka Consumer
3. Apache Kafka Fundamentals | Apache Kafka Fundamentals
What is Kafka and How does it work?
Understanding Kafka Consumer Groups: Handling 1 Partition with 2 Consumers |Java Kafka Consumer Code
"In the Land of the Sizing, the One-Partition Kafka Topic is King" by Ricardo Ferreira
Apache Kafka 101: Producers (2023)
Understanding Kafka Consumer Groups: Handling 3 Partitions with 1 Consumer |Java Kafka Consumer Code