Why It Took 17 Years to Approve the Largest Wind Farm in the U.S. | WSJ
The World’s Largest Wind Farm has a Tiny Problem
The Real Reason America Has Turned Its Back On Wind Power Energy
World’s Largest Wind Turbines to Power America’s First Large-Scale Wind Farm
Why America’s Most Conservative State is Building its Largest Wind Farm
Largest offshore wind farm in the U.S. to be built in Long Island
The largest offshore wind farm in the world | 60 Minutes
$5 Billion NYC Offshore Wind Farm of the Future
Trump bans development of offshore wind parks | DD India
World's largest wind turbines to power America's first large-scale offshore wind farm
Here’s how wind farms affect our environment | JUST THE FAQS
Largest wind turbines headed for USA | Empire Wind 1 and 2 offshore wind project | Vestas
These companies will grow from the U.S. investment in wind farms
How Wind Turbine Technicians Risk Their Lives to Keep Blades Spinning | Risky Business
Largest Single-Build Wind Farm in U.S. History: Flat Ridge 2, Kansas
Energy News - Oil Money Pays For Biggest Wind Farm in America
Why the rise of wind power in the U.S. has been stunted
WIND FARM ASSEMBLY Off The Coast Of Sylt - Millimeter Work In All Weathers | Full Documentary
China to build the largest wind farm in US - BON 091105
The World's Biggest Wind Turbine