Learning People speaks with Computer Science Teacher, Sherelle Garwood
From chef to IT professional | Learning People Virtual Seminar
10 benefits of learning online | LEARNING PEOPLE
In conversation with Abi Harrison-Nye, Software Engineer & former Learning People Student
Tanyaradzwa Makombe - Project Management Student | Learning People Testimonial
Our students share their experiences | Learning People UK
The first consultation call | Learning People
Charles - Certified Ethical Hacking Student | Learning People Testimonial
Our students share their experiences | Learning People AU
Ali Rizvi - Front-end Development Student | Learning People Testimonial
Earning while learning | People making a difference
Learning People Detectors for Tracking in Crowded Scenes
The Secret to Understanding Humans | Larry C. Rosen | TEDxsalinas
20 Things Most People Learn Too Late In Life
Community - "We should really start learning people's names"
Reading minds through body language | Lynne Franklin | TEDxNaperville
8 Tips on Reading People
Secret To Getting Better At Talking To People
How to Make Learning as Addictive as Social Media | Duolingo's Luis Von Ahn | TED