Kern County cities make it to Niche's 2023 list of most affordable places to live in California
Bakersfield ranks #1 on list of most conservative cities in California
Bakersfield ranks near the bottom of list of safest cities in California
Bakersfield makes the list of 'Most Fun' cities in America
Kern County Tops the List of Worst Air Quality Cities
Bakersfield among "Most Disadvantaged Cities in the State"
Bakersfield and Kern County working on branding campaign
The U.S. News World Report places Bakersfield on the list of "best places to live in the USA"
List of cities and towns in California
Bakersfield metropolitan area ranks no. 7 in list of most dangerous places for pedestrians
Visit Bakersfield releases list of city restaurants
C-SPAN Cities Tour - Bakersfield: Sandy Mittelsteadt "Colonel Baker's Field"
Kern "County" California Knife Laws City List 2012
Kern County is unhealthiest county in California
Top 10 stories of 2016 in Kern County
Bakersfield city council votes to approve funding for Kern County Homeless Collaborative
Bakersfield among "fastest growing cities" in nation
Could Bakersfield run out of water?
Bakersfield metro once again on list of most dangerous places for pedestrians
Local officials and policy makers respond to Newsom calling Kern County the murder capital of Califo