magazine - 5 nouns which are synonyms to magazine (sentence examples)
Sentence Magazine
publication - 8 nouns meaning publication (sentence examples)
My English Magazine sentence
Tense Error sentence correction Founded in 1983, the magazine increased its circulation
satire - 6 nouns meaning satire (sentence examples)
Sentence Analysis from TIME Magazine by JBK English Videos & Classes #jbk #jbkenglish #timemagazine
edition - 5 nouns having the meaning of edition (sentence examples)
Use 'A' and 'An' Sentences | Simple Sentences to Use Every Day | English Speaking Practice
periodical - 6 nouns with the meaning of periodical (sentence examples)
English Sentence Mistakes That Make You Sound Unprofessional | Master English Grammar #shorts
manager - 13 nouns meaning manager (sentence examples)
journal - 6 nouns which are synonyms to journal (sentence examples)
Mystery Sentence Example
English learning with fun Topic SENTENCE
racy - 18 adjectives which are synonyms of racy (sentence examples)
item - 6 nouns synonym of item (sentence examples)
How to pronounce "NICKNAME" (ghetto subculture sentence example)
😎 Anent Meaning - Anent Defined - Anent Definition - Thereanent Examples Anent Whereanent Thereanent
Sentence Tightening