Major scales: Everything you need to know in 7 minutes
Music Scales Explained in 6 Minutes
Major scale Meaning
Why The Major Scale Is So Important (It's More Than Just A Scale)
What is a major scale | Music Theory | Video
Building a Major Scale | What is a major scale? | Music Theory | Video
Major diatonic scale | meaning of Major diatonic scale
What is a Major Scale? Piano Lesson Explained
Modes on Guitar EXPLAINED! (No More Confusion)
7. Definition of a major scale
Jazz Lesson: Bebop Line Building - Part 1 - Scale Definitions (New York Jazz Academy)
01 Major Scale Definition
Musical scale Meaning
Music Theory Made Easy: The Major Scale Explained
What are scales, keys, and chords? - Basic Music Principles - Part 4
The Difference Between Major and Minor
The Difference Between Major and Minor Scales
The WORST Thing You Can Do is MEMORIZE the 5 Pentatonic Scale Shapes
What is a scale & 15 major scales!!
What is a Major Scale Guitar Lesson - Music Theory For Guitar