Music Theory for Guitar – Major Scale Intervals
What Are Intervals On Guitar In 4 Minutes | Introduction To Understanding Intervals On Guitar
Intervals by Ear | The Major Scale
How Intervals Work - Music Theory Crash Course
Do you really know how to use the major scale intervals? (Theory 3)
Intervals: Part I - Half of Everything You Need To Know In 7 Minutes
Major scales: Everything you need to know in 7 minutes
Major Scale Intervals | 3rds
Interval Ear Training - 1 hour of hands-free ear training exercises
Learning the Fretboard 101
Major Scale Intervals | 6ths
Intervals: guitar's secret decoder ring
Intervals: The Key To Understanding Everything On Guitar
The Interval Lesson I wish someone had given me! How to both HEAR and USE Intervals in music EP492
Hey singers and instrumentalists! Approach your riff from each Major Scale interval.
4.2.4 Intervals of the Major Scale
Scale Practice Routine: Isolating Intervals
Major Scale Interval | 7ths
Harmonizing the major scale using alternating intervals
Major Scale Interval | 4ths