5 Shapes of Major Scale and Modes
Guitar scales explained like you're 5
Turning the 5 Major Scale Patterns into BEAUTIFUL MUSIC: How to Sing Through Your Scales (FREE .PDF)
Musical Modes: Everything You Need To Know in 5 minutes
Major Scale Guitar Chords - Shell Voicings + Extensions - PDF
INTRODUCTION TO MODES: Dorian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Locrian & more
Major Scale Modes for Jazz Improvisation
Easily Memorise & MASTER Major Scale Modes
The Most SOULFUL Modern Blues Playing You’ll Ever Hear!!! MARCUS KING
The Five Positions of the Major Scale for Guitar
Connect major scales across the neck | Master the 7 shapes [free pdf]
Amazing Guitar Ear Training Exercises (hearing & singing modes of the major scale)
Guitar Modes Made Easy - Crash Course
Mixing Modes | Major
Playing In Every Mode with ONE Tiny Scale Shape [GUITAR LESSON - MODES - MUSIC THEORY]
✅ Bass Guitar Scales for Beginners 💥【All You Need to Know】✅ Bass Scales Patterns
The 7 Modes of The Major Scale | The Jazz Pursuit
Classical Guitar Scales (5 Levels) + PDF
Major Scale And Secondary Dominant Seventh Chords (3 of 4) - FREE PDF #guitarlesson #jazzguitar