Researchers discover drug that could stop or slow Parkinson's disease
Scientists studying ‘Parkinson’s belt’ believe disease is linked to chemicals
Newly approved Parkinson’s medication helps mum regain mobility | 9 News Australia
Healthwatch: Adults With ADHD Have Higher Risk Of Developing Parkinson's Disease & Dementia
Could Asthma Drugs Stop Parkinson's? | This Morning
Aussie researchers close to Parkinson’s breakthrough | 9 News Australia
A Parkinson's diagnosis at age 38
FDA Approved Drug for Parkinson's Disease
Breakthrough in Parkinson's Disease Treatment: New Drug Offers Hope
Was boxing to blame for Muhammad Ali's Parkinson's Disease? #Shorts
Morning Medical Update - Latest Research on Parkinson's
San Marcos hospital adds new test to diagnose Parkinson’s disease, dementia
'Radical' new approach to treat Parkinson's with the gut | ABC News
New treatment options for Parkinson's disease on the horizon
A powerful drug to treat Parkinson’s — and more
S. Korean researchers develop drug for Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's News Today tour
Senior Focus: Parkinson's disease treatment options and challenges that patients, caregivers face