How restaurants break the law by paying tipped employees less than minimum wage
Why did a Charleston restaurant have to pay its workers over $624,000 in back wages?
Are you a waiter or bartender? Watch and learn how tipped employees should be paid.
The Truth About How Tipped Workers Get Paid
Austin airport restaurant workers want better pay
A Better East Texas - Minimum Wage Increase
Democrats seek to repeal tipped minimum wage for restaurant workers
How Tipped Employees should be paid.
Minimum wage for Austin city employees raised to $22 an hour
Department of Labor: Local Restaurant fined for not paying overtime
Texas restaurants desperate for staff despite rising wages
P. Terry's raises minimum wage to $15 for full-time employees | KVUE
The Truth About Wage Inequity in the Restaurant Industry
Minimum wage in Texas
Workers say raising wages will help save restaurant business
The Great Debate: Is Raising the Minimum Wage Good for Restaurant Workers?
Texas company raising awareness about minimum wage in service industry
How much do you tip at restaurants?
Here's a Tip: Advancing a Living Wage for Restaurant Workers
Texas Restaurant Paid Almost a MILLION DOLLARS in Tips and Overtime Pay