Zoonotic Diseases: How Much Do You Know About Animal-to-Human Infections?
Zoonosis: What is a Zoonotic Disease?
Australian Bats and Disease, what the real risk?
Lecture: "Emerging Zoonotic Diseases"
MRSA: From Humanosis to Zoonosis
Zoonosis: How are diseases passed from animals to humans? (2/2)
Zoonoses -- John Greene, MD
How CDC is Fighting Zoonotic Diseases Featuring Dr. Rima Khabbaz
What Happens To Animals That Catch Human Illnesses?
Contagion Across Species: Global Histories and Ecologies of Zoonotic Diseases
Tick Paralysis - 2017 Zoonoses Symposium - BCCDC
Cracking Cases Together: Unusual Wildlife Diseases
CAIPSDCC Webinar 5: "Wildlife Trade, Zoonotic Disease, and Pandemic."
CDC ZOHU Call September 1, 2021
Which infectious disease is seen in abattoir (slauhterhouse) workers?
Unravelling tick-borne illness in Australia
Zoonotic Diseases: Bartonellosis (Cat Scratch Fever)
Diseases You Can Catch From Your Pet - With Dr Kate Adams, Bondi Vet
Infectious diseases named by location of discovery
The COVID-19 Challenge: Zoonotic Diseases and Wildlife