Annual Wage Review 2016-17 decision issued
Sec. Bello: Government contemplates on a possible standard National Minimum Wage
"We weren't born with liberty, we had to win it" - Nye Bevan
BPM ARREAR 2016-17. MINIMUM Rs 56,480
EPOG seminar #160: João SABOIA–The labour market, the minimum wage and income distribution in Brazil
Pay Trends 2016
Centre Raises Minimum Wage To Preempt Trade Unions Strike
नहीं बढ़ेगा Minimum Pay_न्यूनतम वेतन 18000 ही रहेगा 7th Pay Commission Latest News
Highlights & Synopsis of the Budget 2016-17
Govt employees' pensions and salaries to be increased by 12 to 15 percent in FY 2016 17
Annual wage review 2019-20 decision
Annual Wage Review 2018-19 decision
National minimum wage policy | Economics | Anshuman Singh | UPPSC 2020
NYSARC Executive Director Steve Kroll testifies at the Joint Legislative Hearing
Annual wage review 2020-21 decision
David Cameron: Tax free minimum wage under the Conservatives
Week in Review: March 11, 2016
Mayor Lee Presents Proposed Balanced Budget For Fiscal Year 2015-16 & 2016-17
2016-17 Australian Federal Budget Analysis
Governor Cuomo Announces 2016-2017 State Budget Agreement