Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: Policy and Standards
23. Renewable Energy Policies
Can 100% renewable energy power the world? - Federico Rosei and Renzo Rosei
Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy Forum (EXPO 2022)
Global renewables: Pioneering the energy transition | DW Documentary
National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Action Plans for São Tomé and Príncipe Webinar
[EXPLAINER] What exactly is the National Renewable Energy Program or NREP?
Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
Briscoe Lecture 2024: National security & resilience in the 21st century – role of science & tech
Energy Efficiency Policies and Trends in the EU
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Opportunities with the US Department of Energy
Dr. Liz Doris, Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis, National Renewable Energy Lab
Why the US isn't ready for clean energy
ACEEE Webinar: The Role of Energy Efficiency in a High Renewable Energy Future
18th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy Forum
Linking Building Energy Efficiency and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
6th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency
Webinar | Encouraging Efficiency: Policies to Promote Utility Energy Efficiency
Renewable energy and the NREEEP
Policies to Improve Energy Efficiency - Sustainable Energy - TU Delft