HOW TO USE THOU well as thee, thy, ye & you.
The Screwed-Up History of English Spelling | Otherwords
OLD NORSE IN ENGLISH: The words the Vikings left behind
25 Truly SHOCKING Origins of Common Phrases
From Old English to Middle English: The effects of language contact
Where did English come from? - Claire Bowern
Etymology and surprising origins of English words
Why doesn't English have genders? Well... it did!
The Longest English Word in History: Exploring the Enormous Name of Titin Protein I DataSphere
LOST LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET: 9 letters we stopped using
ANGLISH: English without the 'foreign' bits
A Short History of the English Language
Old English and Middle English
A Conversation in Old English and Old Norse
Old English Lesson 2 : Basic Phrases
Weird plurals in English: Men, geese, sheep, knives and many more
How Far Back in Time Could an English Speaker Go and Still Communicate Effectively?
Old English word-hord — Vocabulary
COLOUR WORDS: The astounding origins of "blue", "black", "orange", "red" & other colors
6 - Old English Word Formation