Word of the day - Vigorous
vigorous - 16 adjectives synonym of vigorous (sentence examples)
What does vigorous mean?
vigorous: Pronounce vigorous with Meaning, Phonetic, Synonyms and Sentence Examples
Vigorous - Meaning Pronunciation Examples and Synonyms
Vigorous meaning | Word of The Day | Advanced English Words | Daily New English Vocabulary #shorts
#Shorts | Word of the day | Vigorous | Meaning | Synonyms | Antonyms | Sentences |English Vocabulary
How to pronounce Vigorous
Word That Are Their Own Opposites
Can a word be its own opposite? | CONTRONYMS
Can you name these times of day? #learnenglish #english #vocabulary
100 IMPORTANT Antonyms in English (B1 B2 and C1 Level Vocabulary)
Moderate vs Vigorous Activities Scouts
Preventing brain aging with exercise — why to workout vigorously
What is Active Learning? 💪🏻🧠
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